quick info: click the pic to enlarge and see it better, hover over pics and links for additional information

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

report card 6.4 - final

i never posted this, but here it is. all As this quarter.

Monday, June 22, 2009

trip to chinco

i have many more pics of the ponies, but to me, it is just ponies. it was so hot in my house, the fruit was sweating within minutes.
we had a nice time on our day trip yesterday to visit the family. we also stopped by and saw some 'genuine chincoteague ponies.' of course, the thoughts for my entire ride home were consumed with digging into some strawberries! and that we did, as soon as we made it in the door. it was yummy! today, i hope to go shopping with my birthday loot. (to buy: external hard drive and a frying pan.)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

pics from today

obviously, a close up of the fountain below

as per summer usual, we have been taking a long walk everyday. here are some snapshots from today's journey. just a few reminders that we live in a beautiful neighborhood [just like the many other pics that are evidence of this fact.]

in someone's yard at the fred huette center at botetourt gardens

Friday, June 05, 2009

more flowers

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

the lilys are in bloom

we have to take a pic since they do not last long. i took a couple of close-ups of the flowers today that you may be seeing the next few days.

two days ago it wasn't so hot

and we had a nice long walk.

here are some random pics from around the neighborhood. there's a bird in a tree, a snail from the river, and a squirrel the kid named pistachio. i'm not sure if you can tell in this pic, but a portion of his tail was missing.