quick info: click the pic to enlarge and see it better, hover over pics and links for additional information

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

happy halloween

it's been eight years

i still remember.

still chillin

this one was also taken yesterday morning.

stay tuned for halloween pics [though not from the actual trick-or-treating,
as i will be in class :-( ].

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

if you don't do windows

people will do them for you. if you enlarge, you can see a window-washing company [van and crew].

this is taken across the street from my apartment this morning.  i didn't realize that you could hire people to come and do windows on your personal property.  i am curious as how often people do their windows.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

within the arms of slumber

it's chilly today.  the kitty's been curled up on blankets.

preview from the party

there was a little party at school where we can see the costume

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


scared you

i forgot other festive decorations

as it was pointed out to me. here's the other side of the door. maybe the girl won't realize that there's more not photographed.

we obviously like 'kitty themed' halloween decorations.  because we have more, too.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

ready for halloween

you can see today's post on the ju blog for my halloween dilemma

we've actually been ready for over a week now, if you call this ready. we got a few little things for inside, too.

i have to say, i do like the "little pumpkins."

an aside: we had the melting pot tuesday night and it was, of course, awesome.

Monday, October 08, 2007

it may not look like much...

... but we got a new bed! hooray.

i'm so excited

on a side note, i'm not sure i've spent so much money before in one day [i paid for the eye surgery today, too.]

Saturday, October 06, 2007

i've got flowers

what a good man i've got.