quick info: click the pic to enlarge and see it better, hover over pics and links for additional information

Monday, July 30, 2007

cute couple

pic taken friday night

oh, wait a minute...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

rover time, again

we went on the rover with lindsay, her parents, her brother, and her friend tonight. the pics are fuzzy as they were taken with my phone. maybe more to come.

lindsay's smile eric, hard at work
bob and beverly cutie pie, herself, in a tangier sweatshirt

update 07-25-07, pics from ljp:

lindsay got another pic of sabrina 'steering,' this one is lighter and more clear yep, my usual

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the letter really has three !!!

i received this letter in the mail today...good news!
"Dear Jessica,

Congratulations!!! I am happy to inform you that you have been awarded a University Dissertation Fellowship Award..."

how exciting.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


with my drink of choice

Friday, July 06, 2007

quick trip to the ER

she was far less happy than she looks here

i know i've heard that expression. i cannot believe that such a thing actually exists. five hours on july 4th. but everyone is fine.

here is girlie waiting....

before all that, i had intended to post this with a happy fourth message.

the decorations she made tuesday

p.s.: poison was cool. but i am looking forward to styx and foreigner in august.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

drinkin on government property

we went and saw josh turner at the navy base on friday.

and tonight, sabrina will put away another poison concert under her belt. too funny.

picture unrelated.